2023 - 2024 School Year
Open Volunteer Positions

Sign up for any open role, or contact us if you have a specific skill you’d like to offer!


Volunteer at Bennett

Parent volunteers are essential to the success of the programs and events at Bennett. The PTSA always welcomes and looks forward to having additional volunteers. We have positions and tasks to fit all schedules and interests. Just let us know whether a program, event, or activity interests you and when you might be free to help.

We’d love to have you join our team of volunteers. No matter how much (or little!) time you have, we have a spot for you!

Be sure you’re approved through BSD before you volunteer!
Click here to get approved. (It’s easy!)

Please reach out to president@bennettptsa.org to get involved! 

  • As a Room Representative, your goal is to create an inclusive and welcoming school by strengthening family-to-family partnerships within your classroom.

    You and your teacher will coordinate efforts to extend opportunities to each family to engage in their child’s education in meaningful ways!

    Questions? Contact president@bennettptsa.org

  • Share your love of books! We are always in need of volunteers to help in the library with checking books in or out, re-shelving materials, and the very exciting job of helping with our Book Fair, Book Swap and Birthday Book Club.

    Volunteers are always welcome in the morning before the bell and we will also be looking for library assistants during library time. If you are interested in volunteering please reach out to your student’s classroom teacher for days/times needed.

    To volunteer in the library contact president@bennettptsa.org.

  • This event typically takes place in May or June and is organized in partnership by our school librarian and a PTSA volunteer. Students can bring their gently used books to exchange them for books brought in by other students.

    Volunteers needed for the Book Swap Committee:

    Planning | Before
    - Project Manager: 3-4 hours/week starting 4-6 weeks before the book swap, +3-6 more hours the week of the swap

    - Team: 1-2 hours/week before the swap (optional), more hours in the week before)

    - Receive and tally books to swap

    - Organize books by category

    - Set up Book Swap room

    - If needed, setup book swap volunteer signup

    - Publicize swap in PTSA newsletter, website and social media

    -Pack remaining books and facilitate to chosen local children's charity after the swap and additional teacher/catch-up 'shop' is complete.

    School Hours| During Book Swap (easy 60-90 mins. shifts)

    - Assist during swap checkout (control/count and record number of books taken by each student)

    - Rearrange books between grade visits for make it easier for students to find books

    Interested in helping with the Book Swap? Contact president@bennettptsa.org.

  • The relationship between child and teacher is the most important one during the school day.


    We honor our teachers once a month with our luncheons. Each grade takes a turn hosting a potluck style themed luncheon for the entire staff. The Bennett team really looks forward to and appreciates these creative lunches. The schedule is coordinated by the PTSA Staff Appreciation chairs & provides theme guidance & tips for a successful event.

    The luncheons provide an opportunity for our teachers to enjoy a nice lunch together as we celebrate their hard work and dedication to our students.


    In the Spring, Bennett participates in the National Teacher Appreciation week by providing fun themed treats and activities for the Bennett staff. This is a great way to put your party planning & organizational skills to work.

    To learn more, get involved or volunteer for the Staff Appreciation Team, please email president@bennettptsa.org.

  • Any parent, caregiver or community member who volunteers on campus or on a field trip must complete a Bellevue School District background check. Don't wait! Get approved now. For more information, contact Bennett's Front Office.